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Command Line Changes for MrBayes 3.2.1

August 23, 2013 - 10:30 am

Several users have reported that cloned jobs fail with the new MB 3.2.1 code. Many of these cases are the result of command line changes in the new MB 3.2.1 code relative to MB 3.1.2. The changes we have seen are as follows:

The parameter 'startingtrees' should be replaced with 'starttree'

The parameter 'printtofile' has been eliminated, and must be removed from your input file.

The parameter 'displaygeq' must be replaced with 'minpartfreq'

The parameter 'plot' has been eliminated as an option under sump. It must be removed from your file.

These changes will impact anyone who configures their MB run through a MrBayes block in their Nexus file.
If you encounter this issue, just download the infile.nex file and edit the MrBayes block appropriately, re-upload, and your run should go fine.

If you encounter other changes not listed here, please let us know.