About the CIPRES Portal, Version 2 (beta).

The CIPRES Portal v 2.0 is currently under development. The v 2.0 portal was designed in response to user requests for expanded access to all command line options available in a given tool. The design of the portal makes it possible to access any command line option available natively through a given tool, in a point and click interface. To improve scalability of the Portal in terms of tools and options, we also provide tools that allow anyone to contribute a new interface, or modify an existing one. The goals are 1) to let systematists explore software developed in the community without having to install it on their own machines, and 2) to provide a forum for tool developers to distribute new tools to an existing community of users. Accordingly, we welcome addition of new tools by investigators outside this project. We also can provide a distribution of the software for local installations, upon request.

The CIPRES project focuses on the inference of large trees, and the tools found here are aimed at that audience specifically. Other well established phylogenetic tools for smaller applications can be found in the Next Generation Biology Workbench.

The CIPRES Portal v 2.0 is built on the Workbench Framework, a platform designed specifically for meeting the needs of dynamic online communities. Calculations are carried out on the CIPRES cluster, at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

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