Step 2. Organize Information for the Allocation Request | |
Here is some sample text for how the abstract to an XSEDE allocation request should be written: This request is for a startup allocation of 50,000 SUs (i.e. 50,000 CPU hrs) of computer time on the Trestles resource to continue our analysis of (whatever your problem is). We have done preliminary analyses via the CIPRES Science Gateway, but our use to date has now exceeded (or will soon exceed) the 50,000 SUs (or whatever amount is correct) of the CSG community allocation. The startup allocation requested here will allow us to continue analysis of (your problem) while still using the CIPRES Science Gateway work environment. (In just a few sentences, explain the analysis of your problem done to date, describe those still to be conducted and what the likely outcome will be. Also include information about which computer codes (MrBayes, RAxML, etc) will be used, how many taxa and characters are in the input alignments, and the estimated number of runs and run times if known. ) (If you anticipate that more than 50,000 SUs will be needed to complete the analysis, note that possibility with the expectation that the startup allocation will allow you quantify the SUs needed for a final, renewal allocation.) Go to Step 3. Submit the allocation request.
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