Step 4. Submitting the Allocation Request

Once you receive the allocation, you can add others to the account. The first user you will want to add is the cipres user. Do this as follows:

  • Login to your XSEDE User Portal account.
  • Find the My XSEDE Tab.
  • Click Add/Remove User.
  • Use the drop-down to select your XSEDE account. Click "NEXT"
  • Find the cipres user by typing the word cipres into the User Lookup utility.
  • Click the Add user button.
  • Continue to add users as necessary.
  • Once the list is complete, click Submit Users.

You can also remove users if required.

The final step for charging CSG jobs to your account is to provide us with the award number provided by XSEDE. All of your job runs will then be independent of the CIPRES Community Allocation. Should your personal account expire, you can contact us and ask for time from the community account if necessary. We will help if at all possible.

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