Personal TeraGrid Allocations |
The standard CIPRES Science Gateway account allows users to run jobs totalling up to 30,000 CPU hours per year. Researchers who wish to use the CIPRES Science Gateway for computations requiring more than 30,000 CPU hours per year can request a personal allocation from the TeraGrid Resource Allocation Committee. Users with personal allocations run jobs from the CIPRES Science Gateway just as others do, but their jobs charge against their personal allocation rather than against the CIPRES Community allocation. This mechanism allows "power users" to run larger sets of analyses, providing they have a sufficiently large allocation. Are You Eligible? Personal allocations are awarded to a single Prinicpal Investigator. The principal investigator (PI) must be a researcher or educator at a U.S.-based institution, including federal research labs or commercial organizations. Note that additional information may be needed from researchers not affiliated with academic or non-profit research institutions. A qualified advisor may apply for an allocation for his or her class, but high school, undergraduate or graduate students do not qualify to be PIs. Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to serve as PIs. Once an award is made, the PI may add additional investigators to the account at his/her discretion.. How to Apply: Personal allocations are awarded by the TeraGrid Resource Allocation Committee. Requests for allocations are made via the TeraGrid Partnerships Online Proposal System (POPS). For more information about the application process, see here. Our group will provide support and advice on submitting applications to the TRAC. Please contact us if you need help. If You Are Not Eligible. If you are not eligible for a Personal TRAC allocation, please contact us to discuss alternative arrangements. |
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