Yourtool is ....... Please use a terse description, make it what a user can read in 30-secs or 60 secs, with a linkout to further information and citations..
The portal version of Yourtool (currently V x.x [link to a version page if you like] has (limited/full) functionality in terms of the number and kind of the input files permitted..
The YOURTOOL manual is available here.
INPUT= please describe the kind of input, tersely, here:
Test input file (nucleic acid): Yourtool_in.txt
Test output file1 (analyzed data summary): Yourtool_out_result.txt
Test output file2 (implied alignments of the most parsimonious trees, for all loaded sequences): Yourtool_out_align.txt
Test output file3 (besttree): Yourtool_trees.dnd.txt
If you use Mytool, please cite:
Bobo, W., and Coco, S. (2008) MYTOOL, the best tool ever. Your institution.
If there is a tool or a feature you need, please let us know.