Fair Use Policy

Any researcher in any location may create an account on the CIPRES Science Gateway and submit jobs on XSEDE resources (XSEDE is a new name for TeraGrid). However, individual users are limited to 30,000 CPU hours/year of the community CIPRES Science Gateway allocation. (The cost of 1 CPU hour is estimated at about $0.03 US).

Users who consume in excess of 30,000 CPU hours will be asked to request a personal XSEDE allocation to continue their work. Individuals at US academic and non-profit institutions, and those with collaborators in the US can request XSEDE allocations starting at 50,000 CPU hours. There is no upper limit to the number of CPU hours that can be requested. Users who receive an XSEDE allocation award can run jobs through the CIPRES Science Gateway just as other users do. Their usage is charged to their individual user account until the allocation is exhausted. At that time the user can submit a request for supplemental time, or submit a completely new request. Our group will provide support and advice on submitting applications to the TRAC. Let us know if you need help.

For a step-by-step guide to requesting an allocation, see here.

Why do I have to do this? The logic for the request is simple: you are requesting access to large and costly resources funded by the US National Science Foundation. These resources are always over-requested. The application process insures that research supported by the CSG and XSEDE is peer reviewed, and uses resources funded by US taxpayers well.

Individuals who do not qualify for allocations from the XRAC because they are not at a US institution and do not have a US collaborator are limited to use of 30,000 CPU hours per year. We plan to make it possible for such users to use the CIPRES Science Gateway on a recharge basis.  
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