TeraGrid Fair Use Policy |
Any researcher in any location may create an account on the CIPRES Science Gateway and submit jobs on the TeraGrid. However, individual users may not consume more than 1% of the total CIPRES Science Gateway allocation. Users that consume in excess of 1% of the total CIPRES Science Gateway allocation for a given month will be asked to request a personal TeraGrid allocation to continue their work. Individuals at US academic and non-profit institutions, and those with collaborators in the US can request two types of allocations: Startup allocations. These allocations provide up to 50,000 cpu hours, and can be obtained by submitting an abstract describing the research and supporting information to the TeraGrid Resource Allocation (TRAC) committee. Startup allocations are usually awarded 7-10 days after a request is submitted. This kind of allocation will meet the needs of most current users. Research allocations: These allocations provide from 50,001 up to millions of cpu hours, and are obtained by submitting a 10-page proposal describing the research planned. Research propsals are reviewed competitively on a quarterly basis, and allocations are usually awarded three months after a request is submitted. User who receive awards will run jobs through the CIPRES Science Gateway just as other users do. The resources consumed will be charged to the individual user account until the allocation is exhausted. At that time the user can request supplemental time or submit a new request. For more information about the application process, see here. Our group will provide support and advice on submitting applications to the TRAC. |
Individuals who do not qualify for allocations from the TRAC because they are not at a US institution, do not have a US collaborator; as well as individuals at for-profit institutions will be limited to use of 1% of the monthly CIPRES Science Gateway allocation. We plan to make it possible for such users to use the CIPRES Science Gateway on a recharge basis. The rates for this service are expected to be $0.15 US per cpu hr. Please contact us if you are interested in such services. |
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