MVIEW: Is a "pretty-printing" tool. In the MVIEW_BLAST mode, the tool converts the results of a sequence database search into the form of a coloured multiple alignment of hits stacked against the query. In the MVIEW_ALIGN mode, an existing multiple alignment is processed. In either case, the output is simply HTML, so the result is platform independent and does not require a separate application or applet to be loaded. MView is NOT a multiple alignment program, nor is it a general purpose alignment editor.
If you use MView in your work, please cite: Brown, N.P., Leroy C., Sander C. (1998). MView: A Web compatible database search or multiple alignment viewer. Bioinformatics. 14(4):380-381.
INPUT = Results of a BLAST search or sequence alignment.
Input file (alignment): mviewalign_in1.txt
Input file (blast search): mviewblast_in1.txt
Output file (alignment): mviewalign_out1.html
Output file (blast search): mviewblast_out1.html