#NEXUS [! Output from paup_ratchet using the data matrix from infile.nex and starting tree from infile.nex The following settings were used for the analysis: org.cipres.paup-wrap Parameters: default hsearch swap=tbr multrees=no ; ] BEGIN TAXA; Dimensions ntax=12; Taxlabels a b c d e f g u v x y t ; END; BEGIN TREES; Translate 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d, 5 e, 6 f, 7 g, 8 u, 9 v, 10 x, 11 y, 12 t; [Starting Tree(s)] Tree rep.1[Score=UNSCORED] = [&U]((((1:.1,2:1):1,(12:3.2,7:1):2):1,(3:2,4:1):1):1,(((5:1,6:1):1,8:1):1,9:1.2,(10:0.2,11:1):1):1); [Result Tree(s)] Tree 'PAUP 1'[Score=331] = [&U](1:22.0,2:26.0,(((3:17.0,(4:3.0,5:9.0):20.0):4.0,(11:22.0,12:18.0):38.0):10.0,((((6:0,7:13.0):15.0,8:6.0):19.0,9:29.0):16.0,10:22.0):11.0):11.0); END;