
How To Monitor CIPRES Job Progress

ACCESS jobs may wait in the queue for a long time and run for a long time. In any long running job, there is a risk of failure. It is best to pay attention to your job from time to time, so you don't waste time waiting for it to complete if it is stuck. Here are the ways to follow your job:

Immediate failure will be reported as the View Status button becomes a View Error button. Information about the failure will appear if you click this button. If your job fails at this stage, send us the job handle information. For some types of failures (failures on our side that might be the result of a temporary outage), the application will attempt to resubmit the job for up to 4 days. You have the ability to cancel further submission attempts.

Once a job is successfully submitted, it will first wait in a queue for a few seconds (usually) to many hours (rarely), depending on traffic, job size, and resource request (GPU jobs are more likely to get stuck in the queue for a while). To follow your job, click on the View Status button, and look for the link to "Intermediate Results." Click that link, and a pop-up page will displays your all the input file(s), a configuration file, etc. As long as you see files on this page, your job is either in the queue, or running.

Once the job begins to execute, you will see new files appear on the "Intermediate results" page, beginning with the start.txt file. You can use the refresh button to convince yourself that the sizes of these files are increasing as the job progresses, and that the time stamps are updating. This will continue until the job completes.

When the job completes, whether successfully, or through some type of failure, the Intermediate Files page will no longer display any files. You will receive an email message at the completion of the job if you provided a valid email address when you registered. If your job fails, the most efficient way to describe the problem to us is shown here.

If your job produced output in the multi GB range, your results will be transferred to a cloud storage system, and you will receive a link to the results. It can take up to an hour for results to be transferred to the cloud system.


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