Step 2. Organize Information for a Startup Allocation Request | |
STARTUP allocation requests are very straightforward. Documents required are an Abstract describing the work to be done, and a CV for the PI (and any named Co-PIs). Full documentation for XSEDE allocations and Policies can be found here. ABSTRACT: Your abstract is pasted into a form rather than uploaded, but it is usually easiest to prepare it ahead of time using a word processor, and just cut and paste when filling out the form. The Abstract should describe your domain science and your planned use of TeraGrid resources. It should include text specifying the use of the CIPRES Science Gateway. Some sample text is provided here. CV: The CV has no page limit. It is a single document that includes CV's for the PI and all co-PIs. The two-page NSF or NIH formats are highly recommended. If you have those two documents in hand, you are ready to make the application. Go to Step 3. Submit the allocation request.
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